Plasma Ecosystems
Welcome to our Plasma Ecosystems website. As the name implies, the focus is on two aspects, namely: Plasma and Ecosystems.
The information that has been taught publicly in the last 8 years, by the Keshe Foundation, is all about Plasma Science. It is not a new science, but a very deep extension of what we, as humanity have discovered about the world in which we live. The development of our current science is all about the matter state and how to use and manipulate it to create the things that make up our society. The advent of nuclear technology went a little deeper into the matter state to work with the radiation that these materials emit. Plasma Science introduces us to the world of Nano Technology, GANS (Gas as a Nano Solid State) and Magnetical and Gravitational fields. Plasma Science describes how the Universe works and functions. As we move from our universe all the way down to a single atom of copper, everything is composed of Magnetical and Gravitational field. Everything we can see, and touch is made from these fields. With this new knowledge we can now look at the plants, soils, animals and the various farming methods to understand more in depth how all these different ecosystems work together.
For those that would like to read more about Plasma Science, please go to the Amazon Store here
This is a term used to describe an area where the plants, animals, insects, water, and soil biology all work together to form a bubble of life. The general definition describes an Ecosystem as consisting of all living and non-living things. The living (Biotic) are all the animals, insects, plants, bacteria etc. and the non-living (Abiotic) is the environment in which we find these living entities such as the rain, sunlight, temperature, pressure, humidity, soil chemistry etc. We have classified ecosystems into Grasslands, Forests, Deserts, Tundra, Freshwater and Marine. Everything has its place and is studied and viewed as a separate science.
Plasma Ecosystems
Bringing the new Plasma Science together with our current scientific understanding of the different Ecosystems, will bring a totally new macro and micro perspective of nature. This website and the following blogs will endeavor to merge both the Plasma Science and our current knowledge of nature and farming practices into a new wholistic point of view, realizing that everything is made of the fields and is connected, with everything else through the magnetical and gravitational fields. We will endeavor to discuss many topics and approaches to farming and explain them from the point of view of Plasma Science. Through this approach, we hope to teach as many people as possible so that collectively we can make a change to a better way of farming and caring for the land.
About The Author: Jim MacDonald
More posts by Jim MacDonald