KFSSI Agriculture Team

Gatua wa Mbugwa

Gatua wa Mbugwa, Ph.D., is the coordinator for the agriculture program of the Keshe Foundation Spaceship Institute. He has over 30 years’ experience in agriculture practices. Since 2015, he studied Plasma Science theory and its applications in agriculture, and currently conducts Plasma Agriculture research in Kenya. Gatua studied Biointensive and Organic Farming in Kenya and Ecological Horticulture in the USA before his undergraduate and graduate studies in the USA. He heads the Kenya  Keshe Foundation and the Keshe Manufacturing Kenya Ltd.

Mehran T Keshe.

Mr Keshe is the head of the Keshe Foundation teams in all areas of application. The ultimate knowledge resource about plasma, he has been teaching non stop since 2015 to bring the new science to humanity. For a detailed biography, please follow the link here

Jim MacDonald

Jim has 10 years experience in aquaponic and hydroponic growing for commercial purposes. Since 2015, he has studied the theory and applied plasma and gans technology to his growing modalities. Working on the text book for the Agriculture Training Program has allowed him to learn and understand a great deal about using plasma in agriculture. Jim is a director of KFM Australia with 25 years of experience in business, finance and management roles.

In 2021 Jim completed a Graduate Certificate in Regenerative Agriculture at Southern Cross University. He is Working to bridge the knowledge between current regenerative practices and plasma science.