Author: Jim Mac Donald Date: 26 June 2021
The capture of Carbon Dioxide (CO2) from our atmosphere to mitigate the effects of Climate Change has been well documented and researched. This is not the scope of this report and information is available from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) website.
Many technologies and methods to capture Carbon from our atmosphere have been proposed. These have been defined as Carbon Capture and Sequestration technologies (CCS). A brief review of previous engineering and research works on various CO2 capture technologies was undertaken. (Aghaie et al., 2018). The table below is a summary of the different methods and developing technologies.
Source: (Aghaie et al., 2018)
Many methods have been proposed and several small-scale systems have begun operations. At present, no system or method has become widely used or promoted.
The next challenge is to dispose of the carbon once it has been captured. Most options for the disposal of captured carbon dioxide may be seen as short sighted. The concept behind most disposal methods is to offset the immediate effect on the levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere by relocation, i.e., by injection into either geologic or oceanic sinks. (Stewart et al., 2005)
These proposed methods and technologies are still in their infancy and work well in a laboratory setting. The cost of scaling these technologies to full commercial operation is seen as prohibitively expensive, with no return on investment. In many of these technologies, the chemicals and materials used also pose a risk to the environment and are therefore not seen as sustainable.
Biological Carbon Capture
The one method that will be highlighted is the solar energised photo-bioreactor system. For this purpose, the topic of photo-synthetic reaction, which has long been known as a natural process that can produce useful by-products of biomass, oxygen and hydrogen and can fix carbon dioxide, has been examined. In a controlled environment, such as a bio-reactor, micro-organisms capable of photosynthetic reactions may hold the key to reducing emissions in both an economically and environmentally sustainable manner. (Stewart et al., 2005) The concept of photosynthetic conversion to fix carbon dioxide using bacteria or micro-algae under a controlled environment was evaluated.
These microscopic plants would be grown in large open ponds, into which power plant flue gas or pure CO2 (captured from power plants) is sparged, and, after harvesting, the biomass would be converted to a fossil fuel replacement, preferably a high value liquid fuel such as biodiesel. (Benemann, 1997). Again, this approach is not economically viable, but it does lead you to examine the role of the trees and vegetation in reducing CO2 in the atmosphere.
A simple answer to carbon capture is – plant a tree. Plants capture carbon from the environment. We need to look at nature for the solution. Older, large-diameter trees have been shown to store disproportionally massive amounts of carbon compared to smaller trees, highlighting their importance in mitigating climate change, according to a new study in Frontiers in Forests and Global Change. (Frontiers Media, 2020)
If the trees and plants are using carbon from the atmosphere to grow, should we not try to mimic the function of the leaves of plants. An environmentally friendly and sustainable method of carbon capture.
The Keshe Foundation is proud to introduce its revolutionary Carbon Capture GANS Technology.
A simple process has been developed by which carbon dioxide CO2 gases can be extracted from the atmosphere. This is achieved without the need for high energy inputs, is done at atmospheric pressure and uses no chemical processes. A win for the environment. This process can be done in the home, or it can be scaled to large commercial operations. The carbon that is captured is converted into a GANS state and can be readily stored in containers as a liquid or dried to a powder.
This simple system replicates the processes that occur naturally in every leaf of every plant. The simple method of converting CO2 into food for the plants and releasing oxygen.
The method developed by the Keshe Foundation uses the principle of Magnetical and Gravitational field forces to attract and capture the carbon from the atmosphere. This system replicates the function of the leaf of plants.
The absorption principles through gravitational systems have been disclosed in full in the book, which was published in July 2009 (titled: The universal order of the creation of Matter; ISBN 978-94-6087-001-9). In this book, it details the principle of gravitational and Magnetic field positioning and attraction and repulsion of matters from these systems, respectively.
Through the development of new composite materials of organic and metallic nano layers, we have managed to create specific static gravitational field forces which can be in the magnetic wavelength of the CO2 molecules. We create a specific condition that attracts the CO2 from the atmosphere through magnetical and gravitational field attraction. (Keshe, 2010)
The Magnetic field(s) within these nano layers cause the repulsion or the release of the captured molecules of the CO2 from the layers. Thus, causing the creation of nano molecules of CO2 in the water, and as we use the magnetic fields of the water for stability and as a magnetic catalyst, they come to allow the formation of clusters of GANS of CO2 and create a solution of these nano matters. The nano matters then manifest themselves as a sediment in the liquid of the system at the bottom of the holding container. (Keshe, 2010)
Definition of GANS: A new state of matter; a molecule of a gas (GA) which becomes Nano of itself and appears as a Solid state of matter.
GAs to Nano of Solid is called ‘GANS’ for short. Ref 1
GANS is the state of the structure of the light that has changed from a dynamic cylindrical plasma of magnetic fields to a dynamic spherical entity of the same matter magnetic fields and its state of manifestation in the matter environment is dependent on the internal gravitational condition and not on the environmental condition. Ref 2
This is the first time in the world of science that we can demonstrate that CO2 as a gas can be captured without the use of any pressure, temperature, or energy. The captured CO2 can be held as a solid at room temperature.
Due to the new understanding of the gravitational systems, as has been explained in the book (The Universal Order of Creation of Matters – MT Keshe), these specifically designed systems, with specifically placed and produced electrodes, create a strong but invisible gravitational and magnetic field within the layers zone of the electrodes. These electrodes, as gravitational positioning elements, can create the gravitational pull that can absorb CO2 molecules from the water and beyond the boundaries of the water, our atmosphere.
The CO2 as a nano molecule does not chemically interact with the water molecules of the system. With this method of CO2 extraction, there are no ratios between the matters collected as nano matters and the water content of the system, as the residual of GANS of the gases can continuously be extracted from the environment of the system, without change in the volume of the water of the system. The point to note is that the volume of the water content of the system stays the same, while the system carries on gravitating CO2 and other gases from its environment indefinitely. The total mass and the volume of the system increases as gases are absorbed into the system by the gravitational principle. (Keshe, 2010)
This new technology shows for the first time how simple it is to capture the CO2 and store it in a solid state at room temperature and pressure. Through the evaporation of water from these solutions, solid of carbon dioxide CO2 gas in the form of powder nano materials of these gases are produced.
This technology of direct extraction of CO2 and CH4 from the environment can happen in reactors of small and large dimensions. Thus, the technology can be used to tackle the Climate Change problem. For example, large installations can be connected to exhaust systems of heavy industry, and small extraction devices can be made for households or be built in cars. None of these installations will need powering, as they produce enough energy themselves to power the reactors.
The additional benefit is that we do not have a sequestering problem for the CO2 gas collected as it is already in a solid state which makes storage extremely easy. As the GANS material created is new to science it can have many benefits and applications, for example the liquid and solid CO2 combined with limonene oxide can also be used to make new types of polymers and plastics. Extensive trials in using the GANS materials in Agriculture have shown remarkable results in improving the growth and yield of plants.
This new Carbon Capture GANS Technology (CCGT) offers our planet earth a survival line in the present environment of climate change. The CO2 generated by the burning of fossil fuels and the production of methane gases by extensive cattle farming can now be extracted from the atmosphere and simultaneously converted to solid matters (GANS) in a solution. By using specially developed composite materials, this process causes the release of energy which can be harnessed as well as leading to the separation and generation of oxygen.
We MIMIC NATURE and work in HARMONY with our environment.
Aghaie, M., Rezaei, N., & Zendehboudi, S. (2018). A systematic review on CO2 capture with ionic liquids: Current status and future prospects. Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, 96, 502–525. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rser.2018.07.004
BENEMANN, J. R. (1997). CO2 mitigation with microalgae systems. Energy Conversion and Management, 38, S475–S479. https://doi.org/10.1016/S0196-8904(96)00313-5
Frontiers Media S.A: The biggest trees capture the most carbon large trees dominate carbon storage in forests. (2020). News Bites – Private Companies.
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), https://www.ipcc.ch/
Keshe, Mehran. T. (2010). Direct absorption of carbon dioxide CO2 and methane CH4 gases from the environment and their conversion into nano solution and nano solid matters and production of energy and oxygen by the use of nano compound at ambient temperature and pressure.
- The Origin of the Universe. M.T. KESHE. Published 2011.p14
- The Origin of the Universe. M.T. KESHE. Published 2011.p47
Keshe Foundation. https://keshe.foundation/
Stewart, C., & Hessami, M.-A. (2005). A study of methods of carbon dioxide capture and sequestration––the sustainability of a photosynthetic bioreactor approach. Energy Conversion and Management, 46(3), 403–420. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.enconman.2004.03.009
About The Author: Jim MacDonald
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