Our modern “civilised” world, with a fixation on domination and control of nature has taken us down a destructive path. We have lost all connection with nature and all her creatures as we pursue our materialistic, Newtonian world. This planet has suffered from the misconduct of one animal – Man and then we wonder why earth tries to get rid of us. The big question to ask, is how we as humanity are going to change our views about ourselves and nature. What processes must we follow, how must we change our thinking, and what will it take for us to reverse this destructive path humanity is on. How can we rebuild the relationship with nature? The Newtonian worldview of science has followed a model of breaking the parts of nature into ever smaller parts to study. Our planet is now at a crossroads and the move towards a more holistic approach to nature and environmental regeneration is slowly gaining a small foothold. People are looking for new ideas of how society should operate with itself and with nature. Our perception of the world dictates how we react and interact with the world around us. In the pursuit of science, humanity has lost sight of its connection to nature and the connection to our soul. The concept of Ethics, Morals and Integrity has lost its relevance in our current dystopian world. In this article, we will introduce the Soul, how all created beings have a soul and how we can create a new society where all creatures operate from the perspective of their soul.
Defining Ethics, Morals & Integrity
Ethics, also called moral philosophy, the discipline concerned with what is morally good and bad and morally right and wrong. The term is also applied to any system or theory of moral values or principles (Britannica.com)
The definition poses an interesting problem. The concept of what is right and what is wrong is very much dependant on the perspective of the person. What I may deem as right or wrong will be quite different to the next person. Who determines this right or wrong? Our society, parents, governments, politicians, or nature. Each one will have their own definition of what is right and what is wrong according to their point of view. How do we introduce a new ethos into society and our environment that can encompass the whole?
The term moral or ethical behaviour can refer to a wide range of behaviours. We define moral and ethical behaviour as behaviour that is subject to (or judged according to) generally accepted moral norms of behaviour. Thus, moral behaviours occur within the context of a larger social context.
Integrity is another term that can be associated with ethics and morals. Integrity is the practice of being honest and showing a consistent and uncompromising adherence to strong moral and ethical principles and values. Integrity is more of a human behaviour, where we will not compromise any of our ethics or morals, even when faced with tough decisions.
These are all words to which we ascribe a meaning, action, or behaviour based on our point of view or societies point of view. They change over time, what was not ethical 50 years ago is considered ethical today. Society will move these goal posts of “ethics” to justify their behaviour and actions of today. Ironically, the meaning of Ethics and Morals becomes Ethically and Morally compromised.
Lessons from Nature
We assign ethics, morals, and integrity to human beings in the way we behave and act to each other and to our environment. These concepts of ethics and morals are written from the perspective of the physical human in this material world and is based on what we currently understand about our reality and place in the Universe. Is ethics and morals only a human trait or can we see examples of an Ethos in nature? Can nature show us another way or a bigger picture in which our actions have consequences beyond this physical realm.
Do bees have ethics and behave in a moral way? What underlying principle binds the beehive together. Do bees destroy the plants when they gather pollen from the flowers? Do bees gather the pollen for themselves or for the greater community? They work as individuals in their various functions but with the community as its central pivot. Do bees steal from each other or other hives? Do bees attack other pollinator insects to defend their patch of flowers? Do the bees have a moral code that they all abide by, or is there a fundamental or universal law that they adhere to?
In a natural forest environment, we have a diverse range of plants, trees, animals, insects, birds, and soil biology all interacting together in a seemingly co-operative way. A sense that everything is accommodating each other. There are no obvious structures like politicians, governments, corporations that exert an influence on how the plants and animals must all work together. The multitude and variety of living creatures and one must include plants in this definition of living creatures, have a physical structure which we can visually see. Do they co-operate on another unseen level perhaps? All living creatures have a physical structure, emotions, and a soul. Could they be co-operating on a soul level?
Each living creature would have its own life cycle of birth, growth, and death. Each one following its own path, its own cycle of creation. Everything is a flow of energy from one form to another. The seed as it gathers energy from the environment, grows into a plant and at the end of the plants cycle, it flowers to produce seeds to guarantee the survival of its species. At each stage, the flow of energy of the plant and its interaction with the environment will change, eventually returning to the seed to start a new life. When nature is left undisturbed by human activity, each living entity follows its own path of living. Together, they form the multitude of ecosystems of forests, soils, rivers, and oceans. Collectively these ecosystems accommodate and co-operate with each other to create the single living entity we call Earth. Earth, herself is again part of the ecosystem of our solar system. All this is created within the principles of Universal Lore.
Many indigenous cultures refer to our physical reality as the dream time or the place where we come to experience this physical reality, but our true life and existence is the life of the Soul. While the physical body may die, the soul is eternal as it travels the spans of the universe. This time on this planet manifested as a human, animal, or plant, is but a fraction of time of the life of the soul. Can the operation of a soul be defined from a scientific point of view? Can we then create a universal Ethos for all creatures on this planet by understanding each other from the perspective of the soul, the true reality of who we are? To explore this further, we must redefine our concepts of our reality and place in the Universe.
Beginning of a new Understanding of our reality
What we perceive as reality is only 3% of the totality of the energies in the universe. The other 97% is what we do not understand yet. There is a connectedness throughout the Universe that seemingly holds everything together. The veil of this physical world is slowly lifting, and we are beginning to see what is behind this illusion of our matter state world. Mehran Keshe of the Keshe Foundation has been teaching for over 10 years on what he calls the “Science of The Universe, the Science of The Soul” The science that can explain the inner workings of the Universe, an atom, and the Soul. Everything in the Universe operates on the same basic principles and operates within the free flow of the magnetical and gravitational fields, the building blocks of all life.
Science of the Universe – Science of the Soul
Everything is made of magnetic and gravitational fields. The individual atom is made of magnetic and gravitational fields, so is Earth, our Solar System, Galaxy, and the Universe. Our solar system, made of different strengths of magnetical and gravitational fields, dictates the environment for all the planets within the solar system. As earth is also composed of magnetical and gravitational fields, all living creatures within earth are governed by the magnetical and gravitational fields of this planet. A nested collection of fields. Earth is within the solar system which is within the galaxy which is within the universe. These fields have had many names over the centuries, from the ether to what some have labelled the quantum field. As everything is made of these fields, so they continuously interact with each other. Bringing this concept to earth, we have the same macro to micro. Our body, also made of magnetical and gravitational fields, is within earths fields. Collectively our body is made of trillions of cells, which collectively make the various organs and body. Each cell is within its own field environment. Within each cell we have atoms which make up the cells. As we go from micro to macro, it is all the same, a nested interaction, where everything is connected to everything else through the fields. The plants, animals, all life operates in the same way. Our environment on earth is far more than just the carbon, oxygen, and nitrogen that we can measure, or the temperature, pressure, and humidity, it is filled with magnetical and gravitational fields. Life exists within this soup of fields and is continuously interacting with these fields.
The source of the fields comes from the central sun of the Universe. As these fields interact with other fields and lose their strength, they create the Galaxies and then the Solar systems, our Sun, Earth, and all life on this planet. We are all made from the fields and have a common connection to the central source.
Fig.1 adapted from (Keshe. M, 2011)
The diagram in figure 1, shows the magnetical and gravitational fields as a plasma spiral. At the center, we have the strongest fields and as we unwind the fields, they become weaker and weaker. At the weakest point of the spiral, we find the sub matter and matter state fields, this is the area where science has focused on. This is the 3% of our reality we know about. As you move through the spiral past the field strength of x-ray’s, you get the field strengths of our planet, the solar system, galaxies and finally the central point of our universe. Every point on the spiral is a different magnetical and gravitational field strength. Our reality is so much more than what we realize, and yet we are happy with the crumbs and do not realize we are missing out on the whole. Our reality is a nested collection of magnetical and gravitational fields.
These are some of the concepts outlined by Mehran Keshe which help to explain the whole of our reality and not just the bit we can see. This broader perspective thinking is what will be needed to move onto the right path for humanity and nature as we develop a new Ethos, a new way of being. The physical body of humans, animals, plants, insects are all structured in the same way, we all have a physical body, emotions, and a soul as shown in Figure 2.
Fig 2: Source: Keshe Foundation
The vast knowledge brought by the work of Mehran Keshe explains the 97% of reality that we have chosen to ignore. This new insight will enable us to gain a better understanding of how we are all a part of this connected Universe.
Nature and all her creatures work through the understanding and connectedness of the magnetical and gravitational fields. Humanity must rediscover the soul connection and begin to operate from this level of awareness in all that we do. This is how nature, and the universe operates, so we must now also operate from this perspective as well.
When we operate from a soul level (figure 3), it is all about the free flow of the magnetical and gravitational fields between two souls. Humanity must strive to operate from the purist level, unconditional love, without the interference of our physical reality and our emotions. As we change our behaviour, we will attract new and more powerful fields from the universe. The soul of both the Man and the planet elevates. We have a fear of losing, instead of having the joy of giving and learning more.
Fig.3 Soul to Soul Interactions
The Interaction of the Fields
As we begin to understand the totality, we must acknowledge that everything is an interaction of the fields. As we walk through a forest our fields are interacting with all the fields of all the plants, animals, and insects. As we are all created from the same source of the fields, we all give and receive the energy of these fields
In nature, all creatures find their balance with each other, the same principle where two round magnets will find that distance between each other depending on the strength of both magnets.
When we change something in our environment, all the other entities need to adjust to accommodate the new change. This change will either add energy or take away energy resulting in the rebalancing or repositioning of the ecosystem.
From an ethical point of view, how must we behave and think from the perspective of the soul? Every thought we have, every emotion we express is given into our environment as magnetical and gravitational fields. We are constantly radiating fields into our environment. The implication is that we must be constantly aware of ourselves when we interact with other people or nature. The old saying of “Be in the Now” can now be understood more clearly.
Nature clearly operates at a more advanced level both intellectually and spiritually. Humanity seems to have lost its way, lost its connection to nature. Our current definitions and understanding of ethics and morals is describing only our interactions
and behaviour from the three percent of physical reality. To learn ethics or morality from nature and to apply it across the whole spectrum of human interactions, one would need to agree on a universally accepted way of being that includes the 97% of our universe as well. I believe this can be summed up in a single sentence.
Do not take what you have not been given freely.
This simple sentence can now be explored in relation to the totality of our reality and is only one tenet of the Science of the Soul.
Physical dimension: On the practical level, this means do not steal. Do not take that does not belong to you.
Emotional dimension: How we treat other people or nature on an emotional level is again stealing but on an energetic level through the interactions of the magnetical and gravitational fields.
Soul dimension: Taking another life, is a form of stealing as you have denied that soul the opportunity to complete its cycle of creation.
Physical Dimension:
Ethics and morals try to define the human behaviour towards each other and towards our external world. This is largely what we call our physical matter world or reality. Ethics viewed from the physical world is quite simply about how destructive humanity is towards the external environment. How much we pollute, destroy, kill or abuse to get what we want, be it food, shelter, or the pursuit of physical attachments and happiness. Most human activity is about taking from each other and nature with very little thought about giving back.
In figure 4, we see the physical person and the tree. What we physically see is only about 3% of our reality. Defining ethics or morals for only 3% leaves plenty of room to expand the true understanding of ethics and how we should behave as a society and interact with nature.
The emotional dimension of a human being is far stronger than the physical body. Our emotions drive the physical process of the body. For example, when we are faced with physical danger or even the fear of danger, our body sets off a sequence of events to enable us to either fight or flight. This is a simple example but illustrates that we are controlled by our emotions. Our emotions do not have a physical presence in the body, our emotions are unseen energy fields that make up the physical reality of the body. All entities, including animals and plants, also have emotions as part of their physical existence.
The phrase “Do not take what you have not been given freely” also has relevance when interacting with other people or nature. The emotional abuse of other people, manipulating people’s emotions to get what you want, is a form of stealing because you are taking their energy, in the form of emotions, it was not given freely.
Most people look at a tree and see the physical aspects, its branches and leaves and the physical benefits it might provide one day such as shade or firewood. The abuse or misunderstanding of the emotions of plants has in large led to the state we are in at present. When we spend a few hours in nature, we feel energised, recharged and emotionally balanced. Why is this? There is an emotional connection between humans and plants. There is a constant give and take of the fields to bring balance in nature. They give this energy freely with no conditions.
Soul dimension.
Every entity has a soul or spirit. Humans, animals, plants, an atom and even earth herself has a soul.
The soul is again the non-physical dimension of what makes all the creators’ entities. As shown in figure 5, where we had the tree and a man, we can replace the physicality with the soul of the tree and the soul of the man. This illustrates that beyond the physical manifestations, we are all an individual soul experiencing the physical world. Some souls have chosen to be a tree and some souls have chosen to be a man. Behind this veil of the material world, we are all the same and have all come from the one source, the creator. In the dimension of the soul, we again have the free flow and exchange of fields between two souls.
The flow of the magnetical and gravitational fields is a give and take between two souls. The fields I give are done with no conditions attached and the fields I receive from another soul has no conditions attached. Unconditional Love. This creates the natural balance. When you take too much, what was not given, you create an imbalance in the flow of energy which changes the conditions for all other souls.
The animals, plants, insects, and soil biology all have a physical structure, emotions, and a soul. How do we bring all these creatures into the debate on ethics? Do the plants grow knowing full well they are going to be eaten by animals or humans? Do they sacrifice themselves to become part of the next cycle of creation?
A New Beginning
Through the work of Mehran Keshe, we have begun to understand that as a human we must start to operate from the soul perspective, this is how nature, and the universe operates. By working through the soul, we can detach from the physical world and from our egos and emotions to observe the beauty of the world around us. By visualizing the interconnectedness of all creatures and ecosystems, we will slowly learn how to work in harmony with nature.
As our Soul is created from the fields of the Universe, when we interact with other souls, it is a sharing of the fields freely. Our purpose as a human is to elevate our soul, by adding new magnetical and gravitational fields, to bring our soul closer to the strength of the creator. We must work our way inwards towards the centre of the spiral as shown in figure 1. Be open to receive new knowledge, new understandings, and acceptance of the vastness of creator. The more we give from our soul, the more space we create to receive more from other souls and the universe. It is the science of giving with no expectations of receiving something in return or adding conditions to what we want to receive. As we elevate our soul, we begin to reposition in the vastness of the dimension of soul interactions. We elevate our soul to become part of the next cycle of creation, whatever that might be. As one soul elevates, so we all elevate as we are all connected. Our actions as humanity, reverberates throughout the universe through the fields and at the same time we receive the fields from universe as she repositions. Learn to be in the Now, not thinking about the past or the future. The realization that we can have such a profound effect on people and all the creatures on this planet and beyond, through the fields, by our actions, thoughts, emotions, and intensions will by this very nature govern how we must be. We will become sovereign beings and accept the responsibility that comes with knowing the essence of our soul. We can no longer give our sovereignty away to religions, governments, or other people in authority when we learn and understand the principles of our soul. Humanity’s journey to discover the Science of the Soul will create the abundance for all creatures and end our immorality inflicted upon Earth.
This perspective and thinking from the point of view of “Soul to Soul interactions” will be the next evolution in humanity. We will then become part of the larger community of the Universe. Knowing how and where we fit into this community of souls will govern how we act, behave, and interact with our environment. From the dimension of the soul, the words Ethics, Morals and Integrity have no meaning as they are surpassed by the “knowing” of the Soul. We become one with Universe and the Creator.
Author Jim MacDonald
About The Author: Jim MacDonald
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