The view of current agriculture is simple, impose our will onto the soil, regardless of whether it can sustain that type of agriculture. When the plants do not grow so well, we add a huge amount of synthetic fertilizer into the soil to force the growth. We view the soil as a lifeless medium into which we can add anything we like, and the soil is there to just hold the plants in place. The current movement of bringing the soils back to life and recognizing the importance of the soil biology is a step in the right direction.
What if we viewed the soils as a living entity, an entity that has structure and intelligence? A whole universe on its own. As farmers we must therefore find a way to work with this entity, mutual co-operation, understand how it works and how the soils respond to what we do on the farm. A starting point of mutual respect between you and the soils.
The soil is more than the sum of all its parts. The soil is another universe, and its complexity is still largely unknown. The soil is the thin layer covering the surface of the earth and is what sustains all life on this planet. The soil universe is composed of three major components, the soil structure, organic matter, and the soil biology.
Soil Structure
The larger structure of soils is composed of clay, sand, silt and loam or different combinations which create the physical structure or architecture of the soils.
Source: https://soilsensor.com/articles/soil-textures/
This is like the bones that create the rigid structure for the human body. This structure is in the matter state. The soil structure will differ from area to area and creates the condition or environment in which the soil biology and plant life thrive. The soil structure will differ throughout the landscape of the land, from the flat valleys to the rolling hills. Investigate what type and mix of soil structure you have on your farm and map these areas. These create the fundamental conditions from which one can start to plan. The soil structure is what you have and does not change much over prolonged periods of time. Extensive earthworks by the farmer would be required to make any changes to your soil structure. The clay component is where many of the minerals will be present.
Organic Matter
Soil organic matter forms the other major component of soils. Soil organic matter is composed of once living materials derived from decomposing plant, root, and animal tissue in its various stages of decomposition. The basic soil test will determine the amount of organic matter in the soil. The composition of plants in general are 95% Carbon, Oxygen, Hydrogen and Nitrogen with the balance composed of minerals such as Magnesium, Calcium, Silicon and many more trace minerals. As the organic matter decomposes with the help of the soil biology, it releases these nutrients back into the soil. These nutrients are then available for new plants grown in the soil as well as providing food for the soil biology. The organic component is one aspect of the soil universe that as farmers we can manage. We can increase the percentage of organic matter by growing a wide variety of plants and then allowing them to decompose back into the soils. The overuse of soils through extensive farming will decrease the organic matter content in the soils. Please read Composting and Phytoremediation to Regenerate soil for more information. https://plasmaecosystems.org/composting-and-phytoremediation-to-regenerate-soils/
Soil Biology
Within this soil structure and organic matter, we can find a huge biodiversity of life from the protozoa, bacteria, nematodes, earthworms, insects, and fungi which make up the soil biology. The soil structure creates the housing in which the variety of soil biology call home and the organic matter provides the food and nutrients for the soil biology. The variety and quantity of soil biology present in any soils is dependent on the conditions created by the soil structure itself and the type of organic matter present in the soil. The greater the variety and mixture of the organic matter, the greater the variety and abundance of the soil biology. Each creature needs the correct environment in which it will thrive, change this environment and it will die. The billions of creatures that can be found in a handful of soil are themselves separate living entities that are going about their daily lives. Each one working together to serve the greater whole. The soil biology helps to break down the soil structure converting the minerals from the matter state into a GANS state that is bioavailable for the plants. As a farmer we have no direct control over the type of soil biology present in our soils. We do however have an indirect impact by the type and variety of plants we grow in the soil. The old saying of “build it and they will come” is especially true for the soil biology. With careful management, a lifeless soil can be transformed into a living universe full of nature’s wonders.
Soil Universe.
Within this soil universe we have the structure, what we have labelled as clay, sandy or loam soils and multiple combinations thereof. This type of structure together with the organic matter creates the environment in which the soil biology can thrive. Together they create a living ecosystem, a living entity which continually adapts to changing conditions. The term soil health is therefore a very general term because it tries to define a set of conditions that are universal. Every square meter of soil will have its own unique features which create a specific condition for the plants and soil biology to thrive. The soil structure, organic matter and soil biology create an environment for plants which can thrive under those specific conditions. All three components of the soil must be present to create the conditions for healthy plant growth. As farmers it is our job to manage this Soil Universe
If we viewed the soils as a living entity, like a dog or animal, we must therefore accept responsibility for the land, care for it and love it. This innovative approach of mutual co-operation and respect for the soils will lead to a new way of farming. Make caring for country, the land, and making all the living entities within this soil universe your number one priority. Optimizing the living biology in your different soil structures will ensure that the plants and animals on the land will thrive. We should have a basic rule of giving the soils a minimum of three times more than what we take. The more we give, the more we will receive.
(Part B will go into the energetic plasma structures in our soil universe)
About The Author: Jim MacDonald
More posts by Jim MacDonald